Say Hello to ‘The Breakfast Club’

If you’re in Singapore, you know what’s up. We are currently on total lockdown since April 7th! 

Thankfully, Truegenics Singapore Office has been working from home since mid – February so we don’t have to scurry to get our things in order for remote working.

While most of us may have gotten used to working from home, don’t we all agree that it does take social and human interaction out of the equation?

I can say for the majority of us that we do miss our lunches together very much, the little random chats we have with colleagues as we fill our water bottles and the tea breaks at the pantry bingeing on snacks and having conversations… 

Does it ever occur to you that all those times when we are together, we are actually getting to know each other and thereby, strengthening our work relationship? It just makes us work better, together!

Well it’s a good thing that the Company just started having ‘The Breakfast Club’ this month. The whole idea is to catch up on each other’s lives and share non-work related stories. Basically, learn more about each other, over the most important meal of the day. BREAKFAST!

Some of them really took the word ‘Breakfast’ seriously. I mean, look at the sumptuous spead. We have the glorious Mcdonald’s breakfast set, home cooked sausage and eggs, chinese style carrot cake and you tiao. You guys are skipping your lunch, right? No?



Customer Service and Video team taking their first ever Breakfast call via Slack which works too! Conversations are mostly about what shows to catch on Netflix. Have your guys watched Money Heist? It’s so good! Highly recommended by our colleagues here.


& this is the rest of us; with our beautiful morning faces and all smiley cos breakfast is already in our stomach! Conversations were more serious as we hear Covid-19 stories from our colleagues who know of someone who have had near encounters with the virus. 



Well, we sure hope that everyone will be kept safe and we can go back to life before the pandemic. In the meantime, wash your hands regularly and mask up, everyone!

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