Building Bonds Over Company Lunch + TG 16th Anniversary

Can you believe it? We’re already halfway through the year! 

& what better way to kickstart the second half of the year than with a Company lunch with the TG FAM! This time, we had the chance to try out Chops! Grill & Sides at the newly revamp GR.ID mall which is about 7-10 minutes walk away from our office. 

Company lunches remain to be something that we look forward to. Other than getting a good break from the daily grind and being able to try new food together, it was a great chance for colleagues from different teams to get together and learn more about each other. 

Here we are with our lunch spread, yum!

Coincidentally, earlier this week on 3rd of July, Truegenics marked a significant milestone as we celebrate our 16th year anniversary!

Our achievements would not have been possible without the support and trust of every member of the Truegenics family, our valued customers, partners, and collaborators. We are immensely grateful for their unwavering confidence in our capabilities and their continuous support throughout this incredible journey. Looking forward to the next chapter of discovery, growth, and transformation as we embark on the exciting path ahead!

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